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ONE OF THE HALACHOS concerning Moshiach is that we must not only believe that he will come someday, but we must await and anticipate him. When we understand the halachic criteria of Moshiach, we will appreciate why we must await him, and why we must take an active role in hastening his coming.


For an in-depth analysis of this principle read: "How Jewish are you?." COMING SOON!





THERE IS A COMMON misconception that we mustn’t “push” G-d to bring Moshiach—G-d will bring Moshiach when He so chooses and we are not to interfere!


This error stems from a lack of knowledge concerning what Moshiach is all about and why his coming is so important. When one knows what Moshiach is about, however, he appreciates how much he needs Moshiach—from a physical and spiritual perspective. And given that it is a mitzvah mi’deoraisa (a biblically ordained commandment) to
ask G-d for one’s needs, such a person cannot but beg G-d to bring him immediately.


The prayers established by the Anshei Knesses Hagedolah are an outstanding illustration of the need for Moshiach: no less than five of the 19 blessings of the daily Amidah prayer are dedicated exclusively to implore G-d to bring Moshiach immediately!


For an in-depth analysis of this principle read: "If You Need Something, Say Something." COMING SOON!



NOT ONLY MUST WE IMPLORE G-D to bring Moshiach, we must take action to hasten his arrival. Our sages compare the Geulah to Shabbos and say that “he who has toiled before Shabbos will eat on Shabbos.” In other words, our Avodas Hashem (Divine service) in Galus is what creates the environment for Moshiach. This is because the era of Moshiach will be characterized by G-dly revelation within the physical reality, and it is the mitzvos we perform with physical objects in the current—pre-Moshiach—era, that create that Divine revelation.


In this context, it is noteworthy that certain activities are especially conducive to hastening the Geulah, for various reasons given by Chazal and by Gedolei Yisrael throughout the generations. Some examples include giving tzedaka, observing Shabbos, refraining from talking lashon harah, reciting Kiddush Levanah, studying pnimiyus haTorah (Kabbalah and Chassidus) and most of all, studying about Moshiach.


Our Avodas Hashem in Galus is what creates the environment for Moshiach, for when Moshiach comes, G-d’s oneness will be evident to all, and using physical objects— of this material world—for mitzvos, does exactly that: showing how this object isn’t independent of G-d, rather totally dependent on Him by becoming subservient to Him through serving as a means to fulfill His Will, thus becoming a hallowed object.



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